~ Los Cielos Apprenticeship to Service Program ~

Here at Los Cielos, education is a key aspect of our offerings, and an incredible modality for healing to occur through. By allowing themselves to soak into the jungle way of life for 1 to 3 months at a time, participants can take their personal healing paths very deep. This process unfolds with the container of SERVICE, to The Plants, To The People, To this container Los Cielos, Mother Ayahuasca and all passengers seeking her healing and to Yourself. We offer a deeper commitment to the plants, and a higher standard for yourself. During the Immersion participants will engage in most every aspect of the Sanctuary maintenance, hosting guests, practicing Spanish, and experiencing a variety of plant medicines and ceremonies.
Los Cielos is a small healing center focusing on deeper work with the plant medicines. Our work is more broad than Ayahuasca retreats. We are an Earth Hospital. We generally have ongoing dieteros as well as guests in two week treatments. We work diligently and focus our support and service to our guests as individuals on a healing journey. Our efforts outside of our guests are directed toward growing in sustainability, tending our garden, washing dishes, caring for our animals and our own healing and growth. A few times a year we offer specialty retreats as well.
We are always looking for beings with experience in Permaculture, Solar Power, Carpentry, Nutrition, Addiction Recovery Support and Mental Health Counselors. We always appreciate those with skills in yoga, breathwork, massage and other healing modalities as well. We make adjustments to the initial price for those bringing these particular experienced skill sets.
All beings with a heart of Service are welcome to apply. We accept all types of beings here who are dedicated to Service and Support of Humans, Plants, Animals, and the Los Cielos Community as well as responsibility to yourself for your own growth and healing. This is challenging work. Emotional maturity, Personal Strength of Mind, Body and Spirit, Equanimity under pressure, Willingness to be mindful that you are in one or more cultures that are very different than your own, Exceptional Communication Skills with Los Cielos, Awareness around holding space for others here unimpeded by any personal pathology or ideologies, Commitment to Our Mission to support Everyone as they heal themselves without judgement and with patience, Ability to understand the difference between your personal healing journey and being in Service and A LOT of patience are requirements for a positive and productive experience here for Everyone.
Your first month of Volunteering is $1550. This price helps us support you through what it takes to acclimate to jungle life, learn about how to help here and compensate everyone for the time it will take you to drop in and flourish in Service. After your first month, if we are a good fit, the price drops to $800 a month.
All food, accommodation, opportunities to sit in ceremony, learn about plant medicine etc are provided in this time.
At the end of the 3 month Volunteer period we require you to take a break. 2-6 months is recommended. It is important to integrate and Thrive and practice all you have learned in your time of service.
We follow this general process for a number of reasons, most of all for the wellbeing and support of all guests and staff. You will become like family to us so we need time to grow in to our relationship if it is a good fit. Once you apply we will schedule an online interview with you.
If you are in need of deep personal healing, and truly need a Retreat, the Apprenticeship Immersion is not a good choice for you. If you have done a fair bit of healing with these plants already, and are ready for the next level of your commitment to your path of Service this Immersion is for you.
We work with each participant to highlight their strengths, while also giving challenging and educational jobs to help you grow. To qualify to be a Volunteer, one must have the self-determination and willingness to surrender and open to their highest potential, to have a deep understanding of the Responsibility we all have to our own healing, Excellent communication skills and an ability to face the challenges this environment and type of deep healing may evoke in yourself and others with grace and patience. To be in the jungle for so long will push your every edge, and how you react or don't will be your teaching-points in this extended journey into yourself. Before applying to this program, check in and make sure you are ready to make this commitment - all while being expected to work full-time.
This Program is very intense, as you are deep into your own process, and also helping with all aspects of the center, especially so when there is are guests. You may be given a job that requires waking up very early or staying up very late. This is where you really learn, scraping bark with the shamans at 530am, supporting a guest who needs a shoulder to lean on after a deep treatment or helping in our the garden or kitchen. So we ask each participant to find the pace that they can handle. If you know that the ceremony will be too much, to still fulfill your duties, then you rest a night for example. Through this process we learn a lot about ourselves, our boundaries, our self-limiting preconceptions, essentially - our blockages. The plants will guide the way through, around, over, and beyond. Many other days the job may just be to make lemonade and the salad for lunch and help out in the kitchen. Work varies by each person's interest and strengths and our current projects and needs. We ask for 6 days a week of serious work. It may be that we need more than 6 days in a row during a treatment or dieta, and then you may have extended down-time after.
We want to make it clear that we are here for you, helping and guiding you, challenging and also holding you softly, as you grow, transform, and emerge from who you come as into who you are becoming! Even though we ask a lot from you, with all the love we have and all our attention you are receiving teaching, knowledge, and healing from primarily the plants, the shamans, and our staff.
The minimum stay for the Program is 1 month, and the maximum is 3 months at a time. Once you have completed your first stay, and leave for at least 2 months, you may re-apply for up to another 3 months. After you have done two, 3 Month stays, custom terms may be available.
Why these time parameters? A couple of reasons. It takes a good couple of weeks for participants to settle in. Then it takes a few more to really let the jungle settle in. So one good reason is to make sure it's a long enough period that you may really receive all the healing that is coming for you. Also, it also takes us a few weeks to get you trained in some of the basic functions around the Sanctuary, and we need to know you will stay and put in the good work once you are finally trained. After your stay, or the 3 month maximum, we introduce you back out to the world, ready and protected in your path. Then you go out into the "real" world and see the magnitude of your own changes, and integrate. For many, their new path or career is clear, and we hear of their successes over the years. For some, after longer contemplation, the call is clear to return, and they do. And so we offer the 2nd and additional stays. In your Application you may enter the dates you prefer to come, and most of the time we can accommodate your preferred dates, or very close.
Eligibility for the Immersion Program
To Apply, potential Participants must:
Have completed at least 1 of our 1 Month or longer Master Plant Dieta Programs or have significant Master Plant Dieta experience in the Amazon of one month or more.
this will come as a great benefit to you as you will not understand and relate to our passengers in dieta or the work without the experience.
We do not offer this 1 month Master Plant Dieta simultaneously with your time here in service. You will need to fully immerse and concentrate on your self during your dieta as a passenger.
Complete our Application and meet with us in a video call.
What We Offer while you are in Service:
*5 Ayahuasca ceremonies included per month. Additional for $50 each.*
*3 Kambo treatments per month included. Additional for $50 each.*
Private or same-sex shared Casita depending on the needs of our guests.
Showers, bathrooms, laundry service.
All meals, beverages, snacks, etc.
Experience living in the jungle with the staff, shamans, guests and work crew.
All group activities, banos, painting, education, plant walks.
Participation in all aspects of the Sanctuary and Retreat.
Making ayahuasca, rape, dieta plant concentrations.
Harvesting, drying herbs.
Jungle immersion time. Jungle walks.
Spanish Immersion. learn some Shipibo.
Learn about natural art and crafts.
Sanctuary development, planting, gardening, nursery, propagation of tropical plants.
Tropical permaculture design - plants, compost toilets, solar power, etc.
Tropical building design and construction.
Group needs, laundry, cooking, cleaning, dishes, etc.
Ground crew work. raking, composting, repairs.
Tell us what you see that can be done and its likely you'll be doing it or creating it!
You get to attend group events like the waterfall trips. We may ask for the same amount as the participants pay for these activities, but will include you on transportation.
1 of every 7 days off, sometimes irregular. One long weekend a month of 3 days.
Wifi: limited or occasional communication.
Great community of international medicine tribe!
The time of your life!
What we Require
Foremost, we require a great attitude, an indisputable level of integrity and respect toward others, and a strong passion and work ethic to serve the plants, the guests, and your self during your stay.
6 days a week of work 4-5 hours a day
Complete the Application and be Approved. Abide by the Guidelines it sets forth.
Apprenticeship Immersion Pricing:
$1550 first month. $800/month thereafter once we know we are a good fit
***Note: There is a 1 month minimum payment, even if you stay less than 1 month. $1550 is the minimum rate, period.
***Note: You MUST arrive for the beginning of your Immersion in between any planned groups (we will work out the best times in your interview) to settle in and get in the flow of the jungle before any passengers arrive. Thank you!!!
Come and experience the Amazon jungle of Peru in a whole new way.
...We invite you!