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~Retreat Application~
Thank you for your interest in joining us here at Los Cielos for your journey in to the healing power of Amazonian Plant Medicines. Please fill out your Application today! This is the first step to joining us at an upcoming retreat.
All participants at Los Cielos must complete and submit this application. Please bear in mind that through our experience in this work, and to ensure that we are all going to make a great match, we ask a number of very personal questions. To honor every participant, as well as the sacred diets and traditions of the Amazonian healing system, we ask each question with sincerity. Also, because of the nature of the plants we will be using in this retreat, we ask a number of medical questions, that all need honest answering. It is imperative for your physical safety that you answer completely and accurately each question. If you are considering a retreat center that does not ask all these questions, you may want to reconsider. Through proper due diligence in screening participants we ensure the best alignment of energy at every retreat, resulting in the most healing for everyone! Thank you for your patience and hard work in filling out this Application. We mean it.
Please fill out this application at least 1 month before the selected retreat, ideally 2-3 months before. This will help ensure that we have enough time to review your application, chat with you in person and that you have enough time to prepare. Please know that no one outside of our Staff and Shamans will see this Application, and that it will not be distributed or copied. It will be held on file in our offices for a reasonable time after your retreat.
We look forward to meeting you soon in the jungles of Peru! And congratulations for making this commitment to yourself! You are worth it!
~ Los Cielos Family
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