A medicine for women Retreat with Indianna sea cloud Hill
Women's Womb Healing
November 1st -14th, 2024
June 2025!

Join us in this journey empowering you to walk your Earthwalk in more love, peace, harmony as we embrace compassion and boundaries.
This one-of-a-kind All-Women's Womb Healing Medicine Retreat will be an
incredibly transformative healing experience.
Los Cielos Peru together with Indianna Sea Cloud Hill
invite you on this incredible journey.
Join us as we Elevate Human Sovereignty!
During our time together, you will be supported to...
-Reconnect with your primal womb/creative/emotional energy passions
-Heal and release past wounding, limiting beliefs, & blocks in the body and the subconscious mind
-Listen to our wombs and call back the empowered parts of your being that have been pushed down, shamed and silenced
-Take part in womb healing practices that will help you connect with your body and divine feminine spirit.
-Experience life-changing plant medicines in their traditional settings: six ayahuasca ceremonies, three kambo ceremony, a cacao ceremony, plant baths and a cleansing vomitivo.
-Heal sisterhood wounds, be in your full sensual and spiritual power within a community of like-minded women.
-Build a foundation of inner safety, worthiness, and self love to empower yourself and setting strong boundaries.
Why Kambo?
Kambo’s treasure is to ignite a fire in the shadows you do not have conscious access to.
She works in the places before language and into the womb time. Within this particular
shadow lies the key to what you are here to do during this life time and the creative energy to bring that to life here and now.
Why Ayahuasca?
Well that’s obvious! She may be the Master Healer and Way-shower of your
life and destiny. She will take you by the hand and start you off at pre-school
and guide you as far as you are willing to take your education and connection to all that is living. She help you bring your greatest, most creative gifts to life.
What's Included:
• 6 Ayahuasca Ceremonies
• 3 Kambo Sessions
• Hapé when needed
• Cacao Ceremony
• Bobinsana treatment
• Womb healing, yoga, wrapping and ceremony
• Sister Circles
• Integration Support
• Facemask making with plants
• Vapor Baths
• Evening cooking with the Peruvian women
• Day excursion: TBD on Weather
• 1 month prepatory support and sessions with Indianna
Price £3800
Deposit: £1200
Deposits are non-refundable
Balance due on or Before November 1st, 2024
Please direct Questions and Payments to:
Indianna Sea Cloud Hill at:

Your Guides

Maestra Teolinda
Rengifo Sanchez
Metsa Mea
is a Shipibo Maestra

Sylvie J0y Olson Meier
is a Curandera working and living in the Peruvian Amazon with the Shipibo for more than a decade
Indianna Sea Cloud Hill is a Healer working in Indigenous Womb Healing Practices, Cacao Ceremonies and Amazonian Plant healing modalities