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Deep Dive Master Plant Dieta

Los Cielos & Jochipapanete

Nov. 1st - 30th, 2023


Join us on this unique 1-Month Master Plant Dieta. We will be spending time with our Shipibo brothers and sisters at Jochipapanete
and Los Cielos Peru immersed in nature and among
many powerful plant teachers.
This Master Plant Dieta is designed to deepen our connection to nature and bring us into the best versions of our selves. The gift of this journey will be in the empowerment, self examination and discovery in the deepest places of our soul.
Los Cielos Peru together with Jochipapanete invite you on this incredible journey 
in the Amazon Jungle and deep in the culture and presence of the Shipibo
and their mastery of plant healing and connection.
Join us as we Elevate Human Sovereignty!
*Price $4250
Deposit: $1000
Deposits are non-refundable. All deposits by Oct. 1st
, 2023
Balance due on or Before Nov. 1st, 2023

Included in this Retreat :
* 10-12 Ayahuasca
* 3 Kambo
* 1 Vomitivo 
*Medicine Plant Treatments:
(i.e.: Plant baths, Vapors and Body treatments)
* Exploring personal creativity & solitude.
* Fly in Fly out of Contamana, Pueblo 8 day excursion.
* 1 Early morning Guacamayo adventure.
* Aquas Caliente Natural (Hot Springs) soak and healing treatment.
* Daily check-ins and sharing
* Accommodations, Food & Transportation
to and from airport to retreat locations**
*From Nov. 8th-16th we will be traveling and staying at the Jochipapanete Centre. We will have the honor to sit in Ceremony and Community with Maestra Rosenda Melendez,  Maestro Deodomero Matios Maynas and Maestra Teolinda Rengifo.
*****ALL Air Travel to and From Peru, Pucallpa
are NOT included in the retreat price. You will need to make your travel plans in advance
to get the best deals and flights.*****

Maestra Teolinda Rengifo Sanchez

~Los Cielos Peru

Maestra Rosenda Melendez and Maestro Deodomero Matios Maynas

Jochipapanete and Los Cielos Peru

   ~Retreat Application~


Thank you for your interest in this Master Plant Dieta!

Please fill out your Application today! 

All participants at Los Cielos must complete and submit this application. Please bear in mind that through our experience in this work, and to ensure that we are all going to make a great match, we ask a number of very personal questions. To honor every participant, as well as the sacred diets and traditions of the Amazonian healing system, we ask each question with sincerity. Also, because of the nature of the plants we will be using in this retreat, we ask a number of medical questions, that all need honest answering. It is imperative for your physical safety that you answer completely and accurately each question.  Through proper due diligence in screening participants we ensure the best alignment of energy at every retreat, resulting in the most healing for everyone! Thank you for your patience and hard work in filling out this Application. We mean it.


We look forward to meeting you soon in Peru! And congratulations for making this commitment to yourself! You are worth it!



 ~ Los Cielos Peru and Jochipapanete

© 2016 Los Cielos Peru

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